The knowledgebase is a categorized collection of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) and articles. You can read articles in this category or select a subcategory that you are interested in.
2Factor - Receiving Callback Notification On Voice & SMS OTP
2Factor provides with an option to set a callback URL, which would be hit by 2Factor Application to acknowledge the delivery of OTP. This feature is useful for pulling status of delivery over remote ... |
API Documentation - Voice & SMS OTP India
API Endpoint: (function (window) { if (!window._MashapeConfig) window._MashapeConfig = []; window._MashapeConfig.push({ selector: '#mashape-docs-containe... |
Sample Code - Send Voice OTP
Sample Code - Send SMS OTP
Requesing New Sender Id for Transactional Messaging
2Factor allows you to use custom sender id for sending messages via VODAFONE route. Sender id must be a 6 character alphabet string. ( Ex. TFCTOR ) To request a new sender id, use 'Request Sender Id... |
Steps For Implementing Phone Verification in India
Below article would provide a high level overview of the integration steps for performing phone verification in India using 2Factor SMS OTP solution, Here are 2 ways to implement it. Implementin... |
[NOTE] Block List Management With
[Note] Creating Custom OTP Templates
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