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 [NOTE] Block List Management With 2Factor.in



Block List Management


Number blocking API is a great feature which would allow you to block outgoing messages / calls to a specific number OR group of numbers.

This feature would be useful in implementing
- Spam Protection
- Opt-Out filter ( to avoid sending messages to opted out numbers )

Method 1: Using 2Factor control panel

Login to 2Factor control panel at Here
Navigate to, Addon Services > Tools > Manage Block List
Click on 'Block A Number' button

You are required to provide below information while blocking a number
- Phone number: ISD formatted number
- Blocked Service: SMS or VOICE
- Blocking Reason: Reason for your reference


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Method 2: Using 2Factor API Call

You can block and un-block SMS / VOICE services to user using 2Factor Number Block API

Adding number to block list
Syntax: (GET)

Removing number from block list
Syntax: (GET)

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